But Canada's voting system is under threat from advocates of party proportional (PR) voting.
FPTP stands for First Past the Post, the voting system now used in Canada (and all of its Provinces) the UK, the United States, India and 59 other countries. FPTP is based on results from riding elections, where local voters decide who is the best candidate to represent them. The candidate with the most votes is elected. Voting and vote counting is straightforward. More often than not, FPTP elections result in majority governments that are stable and accountable.
On the other hand, PR voting is less concerned with local choices than with the proportion of seats that political parties are awarded in the legislature/parliament. In order to achieve party proportionality these systems introduce mechanisms that over-ride local decisions by awarding seats to people appointed to party lists or people who actually lost elections in other ridings, by increasing the size of ridings well beyond the borders of most communities or by transferring votes back and forth between long lists of candidates via complicated mathematical formulas.
Fortunately, PR voting has been rejected across Canada in numerous referendums, parliamentary committees, and court challenges. Most recently, PEI defeated PR in their 2019 referendum and BC roundly rejected PR in 2018. But the PR activists persist in their efforts. The Government of Quebec originally stated it would introduce PR without a referendum, but it looks now like they will have a referendum at the next election.
We all like European imports, whether it's wine, food, or fine cars. But European politics is another thing. Due to their PR voting systems, places like Germany, Sweden, Spain, and the Netherlands have fractured parliaments with a multiplicity of special interest, regional, fringe and even radical political parties. It takes weeks, months and even years to cobble together coalition governments after each election.
Digitized image of Canada from space from:https://globalquiz.org/en/quiz-image/canada-from-space/ author: Przemek Pietrak
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